Experience More - Christ is Christmas

It is one thing to say that to experience Christmas is to experience Christ - but how do we actually experience Christ. Well, you can’t do it alone - listen to learn more.

Dirk Gieser
Christmas - it wasn't a mansion

Christmas can be awesome! But what difference did it make that the baby Jesus was laid in a feed trough? Just think about who can come into a garage instead of a palace. God wants to welcome you into something great, and it starts with a baby in a manger not a mansion.

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Dirk Gieser
Experience Christmas

There are the experiences of Christmas, and then there is something very different - Experiencing Christmas. Jesus’ first disciples, people in the first churches didn’t celebrate Christmas, but if you think about it, they were able to experience Christmas. It isn’t about the traditions, it is about the truth that transforms.

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Dirk Gieser
Experience Joy

Is your life marked by JOY? There is suffering, there are hard times, there are frustrations, there is desperation - but God offers joy. First you must find the source of true joy, and then you need to do your work in not letting your joy get buried, smothered, or lost. Let us be open to God restoring the joy of salvation!


“restore the joy of salvation.

Dirk Gieser
Experience Peace

How do you go from knowing about faith, to experiencing the good gifts of God? How about peace - Is you life marked by peace? As we prepare for Christmas, listen to this message to help you move from worry into peace.

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2 Peter 1:1-8

Participate in the Divine Nature

Dirk Gieser
Joy of the Harvest - How are you doing?

If a farmer isn’t having great results with their crops, they probably have to start doing something differently. Well, God says the same to each of us - consider your ways - are they working? Let’s spend some time thinking about what we are putting in, and what we are getting out of life. Are you enjoying a great harvest?

Dirk Gieser
Joy of the Harvest - Despair vs. Joy

There is so much which promises to make you happy - but happiness comes and goes. What we truly want is joy. Joy is something you can have, find, and even keep. But that type of joy is not based on things that come and go - rather, things that can last forever. There is joy in the harvest if we are working in the right field for the right things.

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Dirk Gieser
Joy of the Harvest

A new sermon series in the season of harvest. Jesus talks about a harvest, but it isn’t something that happens in a tilled field. When we understand God’s harvest, we can participate and see the joy of the harvest.

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Dirk Gieser
Women of the Bible - Esther the Amazing

God used Esther to save his people. She was uniquely positioned to petition the king who was about to oversee the complete destruction of the Jewish people, and she bravely took action. But she wasn’t alone, she knew the situation was bigger than her, so she called in reinforcements. Sorry - this sermon failed to record.

Dirk Gieser
Women of the Bible - Abigail - Reframe the Fight

As you might have heard in the message from Jochebed, sometimes when it looks like there are only two options, there is a third way which can make all the difference. Abigail is a smart, bold and brave woman of the Bible who was in a horrible situation, but transformed it by using what she had in the best possible way. There is an incredibly important message for you to hear from the life of Abigail.



How you frame things matters.

What color are her arms?

Dirk Gieser
Women of the Bible - Ruth - New Destiny

Where are you heading in life? For Ruth it looked pretty bleak - the widow daughter-in-law of a widow immigrant. But she changed her destiny by submitting, and hooking her destiny to the right person. What a lesson for us today. Hear this powerful message from Jennifer Gieser on the bold and brave woman Ruth.

Dirk Gieser
Women of the Bible - Rahab - Faith that Saves

Depending on how you paint the picture, it might not seem like we should learn much from a prostitute and a traitor. But Rahab is held up in the Bible as an example for us, and was used in great ways by God. Do you want to have a faith that matters? It might be time to learn from this amazing woman of the Bible.

Dirk Gieser
Women of the Bible - Jochebed the Brave

What do you do when there is no good option? Sometimes it looks like we are in a lose - lose situation. This woman of the Bible was in one of those. She could kill her child, or she and her child could die - what should she do? She took a step of faith, and found the third option.

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Dirk Gieser
Women of the Bible - Rebekah the Bold

What does it take to make a bold step of faith? Well, when we look at Rebekah in the Bible, it is clear that she was beautiful, but she was so much more. Early in life she makes a bold move which changes her life forever. The blessings she experienced, and the blessing she was to the world, were based on her bold faith. Learn from Rebekah as we live our life of faith today. Click for Sermon Notes

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Dirk Gieser
Women of the Bible - Sarah - fighting bitterness

Sarah was not a saint. There are women in the Bible who we should aspire to be like, and women who we should learn from their less than perfect example. There are great things about Abraham’s wife Sarah, but she also caused a great deal of hurt and pain. How can we avoid that for ourselves and those around us? Listen to as we learn from Women of the Bible. (Click for Sermon Notes)

Dirk Gieser
Women of the Bible - Bold and Beautiful

How do we make sense of the #MeToo experiences so many woman can share?  The reality is there are so many different situations where men take advantage of women, abuse women, belittle women - but who is to blame?  Has God set up a patriarchal world where women will often come out inferior to men?  As we begin a new series - Women of the Bible - it is important to look as some of the differences between men and women, and how they point us to the need of a Savior.  Click for Sermon Notes

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Dirk Gieser
Red Letters - Remember Jesus

Jesus is with his disciples and he tells them something pretty strange...  the bread they were about to eat, and the beverage they were about to drink, were his body and blood.  This new ritual Jesus was introducing to them was something different than the rituals and feasts they knew.  It went beyond remembering, and went into connecting.  From a lady with expensive perfume, to a savior with a divine plan, this passage of red letters from Jesus are really important for our lives.  Sermon Notes