Missionary Tom Johnson shares from Jesus' final words, and Tom's work in Niger - one of the least developed, least Christian countries in the world.
Sometimes Jesus' disciples got it wrong. One time, at a challenging moment in Jesus' life, two disciples came and asked for the completely wrong thing from Jesus. In his love and compassion, he redirected them and taught them (and us) an important lesson. It isn't how the world thinks, but it is an important part of following Jesus with our lives. (Sermon Notes)
In this message you have the opportunity to hear from Rev. Abby Norton-Levering as she takes you through a pivotal passage in the Bible, and in the life and ministry of Jesus. Who is Jesus, and how can he help you when you feel like a loser? We all fall short, and we all lose things which are precious to us - but Jesus is there for us all.
What do dieing fig tress have to do with the problems which you face in life? Well, according to Jesus, God can take care of any obstacle we encounter, and he demonstrates it in a pretty memorable way. From withering trees to moving mountains - life changes when you "Have Faith in God." (Click for Sermon Notes)
What do sour patch kids have to do with the Bible? We'll if you are listening online, you are missing out on the candy handed out during worship, but you can still hear what Jesus himself said when asked about divorce. His words are clear, and at the same time challenging. (Sermon Notes)
Sometimes the words of are confusing. He told his disciples, "Everyone will be salted with fire." That is not a statement which is immediately clear. But when we understand Jesus' teaching they can transform our hearts. Listen to this message to learn from Mark chapter 9 - the words of Jesus! (Sermon Notes)
Jesus often taught in parables, and many of those parables involved seeds. There is a famous story Jesus tells about seeds that land on different types of soil. You may be surprised by what Jesus is challenging you to do. (Sermon Notes)
The first in a series from the actual words of Jesus. Learn about the man who captured the words of Jesus in the Bible, and hear the words of Jesus regarding tradition and religion. (SERMON NOTES)
DOWNLOAD AUDIO: Words of Jesus - Mark 7
In honor of Father's Day, let's look at the importance of dads and how they can be the best dads possible.
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Jashton is a teenager seeking to serve God and to encourage others to glorify God with their lives. He reminds us of the fact that life is short and we should make the most of it. As they say - YOLO - so what do we do with the life we have been given.
What can we learn from a boy who heard God call his name 3000 years ago? In every unique and unusual story in the Bible, we can find universal and helpful truths which can guide our lives and draw us closer to our creator. Listen to the story of the boy Samuel, and discover how boys can become godly men. (Sermon Notes)
Sometimes the conflict we deal with isn't the "everyday" variety. What about war? The early Christians did not have to spend any time thinking about when they should go to war. They were under under authority, not in places of authority. But as Christianity became a more dominant faith in the world the question had to be answered - when is it just to go to war? As we remember those who have died in service to their country, we ask the question, "What about war?" (Sermon Notes)
We can learn all the right things to say or do in conflict, and then run into some serious bumps along the way. How do we handle conflict when the other person is determined to make it hard for us? When the other person is not cooperating and following the script we had hoped for? Well, we turn back to the wisdom and ways of God found in the Bible. It may take a step of faith, but the rewards are worth it! (Click for Sermon Notes)
We can get hurt in conflict, and sometimes we need to confront those who are doing the damage. How do we take that step, and what do we have to do to resolve conflict? It ends in forgiveness - something very powerful, but often misunderstood. This week we will be going gently and setting the framework for God glorifying forgiveness. (Sermon Notes)
It takes two to tango, and there is always plenty of fault to go around in conflict. So how do we start dealing with conflict? We start by getting honest about our part in the matter. We don't like the mirror when we are not looking good - but only by looking in the mirror can we know what needs to change. But knowing is only the start - then we need to own it! This message helps you own your part as we learn about confession. If you learn this well, every conflict resolution will go better - guarenteed. (Sermon Notes)
How can a connection with God, a focus on God, and God's power help you in conflict? There are things which are foundational in our lives, and when we get these right, it brings unity not division. Pastor Dawn Alpaugh shares the call to have God as center in our lives, and allow God to be bigger than our conflict. (Study Questions)
Conflict can be painful, and we naturally want to avoid pain. But there are good ways to handle conflict which deal with the problem while avoiding unnecessary damage to the parties involved. There is too much conflict - we can't run away from all of it. There is too much conflict - we can't win every battle. So let us learn how to stand in conflict, doing the transformative work of peacemaking. (Sermon Notes Availalbe Here).
As we heard last week we cannot avoid conflict, and if it isn't resolved it can have tragic results. But if resolving conflict was easy everyone would be doing it. It is more than knowing some good ideas, it is reliant on tapping into some real power. This message is foundational if you want to make great progress in resolving everyday conflict. (Click for Sermon Notes)
"We all encounter conflict, whether it be with a coworker, family member, friend or complete stranger. And yet we all desire harmony in our relationships." This new series from the book Resolving Everyday Conflict, by Ken Sande & Kevin Johnson, teaches us practical, biblical ways to bring unity and harmony into our relationships. (Click for blank Sermon Notes or Filled-in Sermon Notes)
Sometimes stories we have heard before can give us new insights and direction. This is the power of the Bible, sometimes referred to as the "Living Word." God, through his Spirit, makes it alive and dynamic as we can return to it again and again, and have God speak to us through it.
Each year before Easter we turn to the passage of Jesus entering into the city of Jerusalem with a cheering crowd harolding his entry. Interestingly, it says there were people going ahead of him, and there were people following behind. Many times that "ahead of," and "following after," are roles God calls you and I to as we live lives of faith. (Click for Sermon Notes)