Adulthood at ERC

Further up, further in

We have several great opportunities for adult believers to grow even closer to Christ and to engage more fully in His Church…


Further up

📚Encounter Groups

Encounter Group is your opportunity to dive deeper into Sunday’s sermon, and encounter Christ in a small group setting. Together your group will explore the Word of God and encourage each other in your walks of faith. Groups meet weekly for fall, winter, and spring seasons and are open to all. For more information on Encounter Groups and to find one that’s right for you, click here.

🌿Bible Study

We have a wonderful Bible study that meets Thursday mornings at 10:00 in the fellowship hall Encounter Classroom. It’s a great opportunity to dive deeper into God’s word with a faithful group of brothers and sisters. Typically, we work through a book of the Bible and discuss it with questions to answer. All are welcome. For more information talk to Scott VanNederynen.

🙏Saturday Gatherings

Every Saturday at 7:00 a small group of us meets at the Giesers’ house for an intimate time of prayer and worship. The time is Spirit led and very informal, preparing our hearts and minds for worship in the morning. All are welcome! Please let Pastor Dirk know if you plan on coming (we’re used to a small group and wouldn’t want to miss you).

further in

🎹Worship Team

Got a musical talent and a love for worship? Our worship team leads the congregation in a blend of music both old and new, with guitar, piano, and organ, singing and making a joyful noise to our God. Rehearsals are generally on Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00. If you play an instrument, we’d love to hear from you; and while we have limited space on our team, we are also happy to make room for new voices.

One way we do this is through special choral arrangements sung in the service throughout the year. For more information on singing and band, talk to Jen Gieser after the service.

🎧Tech Crew

Our modern services are only possible through the work of our dedicated tech team. Each week we have volunteers running the projector, monitoring the sound, and streaming our service to the web. Whether you have a knack for technology or just a desire to help, we have needs at all skill levels. See Dirk for more information.

🧸Youth Ministry

We love to see dedicated members passing on their faith to the next generation. We are always looking for “Kids Connection” volunteers to care for our pre-school and early elementary children during the service. This is a time of fun and community and requires less Biblical instruction. We are also welcoming volunteers to assist our current Sunday School teachers in weekly Bible lessons and we are always hosting family events and welcome helpers. See Jashton for more information.

🍂Grounds Care

Our church property looks great, and this is no accident. We have several awesome volunteers who care for the grounds year-round, mowing grass, clearing leaves, shoveling snow, and more. If you have time to give, enjoy nice hands-on projects, and want to help keep our church looking great, we’d love to add you to our team. See Pastor Dirk for more information.

🎂Seasonal Events

ERC hosts events year-round and we are almost always looking for helpers and volunteers. Check out our upcoming events and service opportunities and see if there’s anything up your ally. Whether it’s baking pies or greeting visitors, putting up decorations or playing with children, there’s something for everyone at Emmanuel Reformed Church.