to Apr 18

Lent Friday Movies

  • Emmanuel Reformed Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Every story whispers His name… Join us during the season of Lent as we reflect and prepare for Resurrection Day. On the seven Fridays leading up to Easter, we will be watching films that include themes of Resurrection and Redemption, in order to help us meditate on Christ’s Resurrection. What makes His story so powerful, what makes it unique, and in what ways does it tap into our deepest longings as humans?

We’ve got a wide selection of films and genres. Come and enjoy them all, or pick the ones that are right for your family. Please note that some films are NOT for young children.

Films will begin at 6:00 each week but vary in length.

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to Dec 25

Christmas Vigil

  • Emmanuel Reformed Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

It is hard to adequately capture the unique nature of this worship service. It is in stark contrast to the fast paced world in which we live. A moment of reflection and spiritual connection that can touch your soul. There will be music, scripture, prayer, and an opportunity to come to the Lord’s Table. By candle light you will be ushered into Christmas Day.

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4:30 PM16:30

Roast Pork Dinner

Enjoy great food in a family style dinner supporting the mission work of ERC.

Roast Pork, Potatoes, Squash, Green Beans, Roll, and homemade pies for dessert.

Two Sittings: 4:30pm and 6:00pm

Call or Email to make reservations: 518-732-7766 x11 or

$18 Adults, $7 Children (6-12), under 6 free

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10:30 AM10:30

Picnic Cookout

We are going to fire up the grill, pull out the tables after worship, and have a great picnic together as we celebrate the end of a great summer! Come to worship at 9:30am and then stay for the picnic.

You are invited to bring a side-dish or dessert to share!

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6:30 PM18:30

Women's Group

Glass Etching

You are invited to come to ERC on Friday evening for fellowship and to learn glass etching. 
Please bring something to etch glass, vase, mirror, etc.

All women are welcome!

Women’s Group

Friday, Sept 6, 6:30pm


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