
We are working, not only to help those in our church family, but reaching beyond the bounds of our church, to share good news and meet the needs of others in our community, our country, and around the world.  


Cooperative Christian Ministries of Schodack (CCMS)   

A cooperative ministry of local churches that seeks to enhance the ministries of our individual churches to better serve the community.  Together we feed the hungry and clothe people of all ages through The Anchor Food Pantry and Thrift Store, staffed by volunteers and located in The Provincial House of the Sisters of the Resurrection Convent located behind Riverside Rehabilitation and Nursing Center at 90 N. Main Street off Rt. 9J, Castleton, NY 12033
Phone: 518-732-4120

Anchor Food Pantry/Thrift Store
90 N. Main St.

hours of operation:
Mondays 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
First Saturday of the month 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.


Interfaith Partnership for the Homeless  

Interfaith Partnership for the Homeless (IPH) is located in Albany, New York, and has served the homeless community since 1984. IPH offers programs and services including a 30-bed emergency shelter, Drop-In Center, housing program and summer youth program. IPH helps individuals and families by meeting their immediate needs, providing case management services to address individual factors of homelessness so they are able to find safe, affordable housing and utilizing support through long term case management services to maintain housing and continue to build a stable lifestyle

We make and serve dinner every other month on a Sunday afternoon to the clients that are staying at the shelter.  Visit their website at http://interfaithpartnership.com/ for more information about the shelter.   

St. Paul’s Center

This Rensselaer County shelter provides emergency shelter to mothers and their children without a place to call home. Located in Rensselaer, their 19-bed facility operates year round so families always have a place to go in times of need. Their dedicated staff provides support and individualized services to families as they transition to independent living. We support the mothers and children at the shelter by providing Christmas gifts and clothing, organizing a Mother’s Day celebration, and supplying back to school backpacks. You can visit their website at http://stpaulscenter.com for more information or to volunteer.


Chile - Casa Esperanza

We support The House of Hope in La Pintana, Chile. This ministry springs out of a desire to rescue young women out of very difficult and traumatic experiences. To do so, an organization was created called Vision for Children and the House of Hope (or Casa Esperanza) was constructed as a residence for these young women where they can learn to know Jesus Christ, receive an education and be prepared with important life skills to step confidently into adult life. In addition, Casa Esperanza is extending its ministry to several orphanages in the area. The dream, as Vision for Children begins to administer one of the orphanages, is that a solid, Christ-centered pathway into a flourishing young adulthood can emerge for these children. Learn more: Vision for Children

India - Himalayan Training Institute

As a church we are active partners with this training center for local leaders in the far north east corner of India.  Steward and his wife Nyapu have built this work from the ground up, providing a year of training for men and women called to be leaders in rural villages.

Steward and Nyapu have also started three elementary schools in their area.  These schools provide a basic education to children who would receive almost none in their local villages.  We partner with the schools with special projects, and have taken two mission trips to support and encourage their work.

Kenya - Reformed Church in America Global Missions

"Sharing the gospel in word and deed through healthcare and education in Maasailand"

We are partnered with the Maasai Outreach Mission in Kenya through RCA Missions. Through our partnership we have joined MOM's current community health mobilization and evangelism program to provide quality, accessible healthcare and proactively strengthen community health education in remote Maasai communities. Mrs. Grace Salta is serving as the director of these efforts. Learn more: Learn more: Maasai Outreach Mission; Mama Grace shares the need for health care clinics in Kenya

Additional international outreach

CROP Hunger Walks - This Church World Service program named CROP (Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty) helps people all over the world to have access to food, water and medical care.  If you click on the link CROP Hunger Walks it will take you to the Castleton Walk page where you can donate or sign up to walk.  Approximately 25% of your donation comes back to our community and supports The Anchor Food Pantry and Thrift Shop in Castleton. 

Church World Service  -  "Church World Service is people reaching out to neighbors in need near and far--not with a hand out, but a hand up. So, if you’re looking to help build a better world—a world where there’s enough for all—you’ve come to the right place!"  In the United States, they’re helping communities respond to disasters, resettling refugees, promoting fair national and international policies, providing educational resources, and inviting you and others to join a people-to-people network of local and global caring through participation in CROP Hunger Walks, the Blankets+ program, and the CWS Kits program.

At Emmanuel Reformed Church we participate in the CROP Hunger Walk each October and the Blanket the World Program from Mother's Day through Father's Day.  


Operation Christmas Child (Samaritan’s Purse) - Our Church participates annually in Operation Christmas Child, a Samaritan’s Purse initiative to give shoeboxes filled with gifts to children around the world who would otherwise receive very little at Christmas. Participants fills boxes with toys, toiletries, school supplies, and clothing items and these gifts are then given to kids in need. While simple, it is a special way to communicate the generous love of Christ to the World around us at Christmas time,