Childhood at ERC
Kids in Community
We seek to help kids of all ages learn to walk with Christ and experience the joys of His Church
A Firm Foundation of Faith, Sunday School classes for all age groups meet after the service until 11:15 throughout the school year
Intergenerational Relationships “I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.” John 15:15
Got a teen looking to get involved? We have several opportunities for young people to engage in the life of the church, both as a helper and as a student
📚Sunday School
Our Sunday School classes are held immediately after Sunday worship and go until 11:15. Our experienced teachers seek to lay a firm foundation of faith for our children at every age. Classes are divided into preschool, elementary, and teen classes and attempt to present the Bible in a fun and age-appropriate manner. Classes run from September to June with a Summer recess in between.
🌱Kids Connection
Kids Connection takes place during Sunday worship as an opportunity for our youngest kids to engage in fun and formation while the grownups and older kids enjoy the sermon. Kids in third-grade and under are invited to head out partway through the service with our trusted volunteers to enjoy stories, games, music, and crafts.
👶Nursery Care
Infant childcare is provided by a qualified staff person so that you can worship knowing your little one is cared for in a loving environment. We are also equipped with a pager system so that you can be notified how your little one is doing throughout the service.
🚀God Squad
The First Thursday of every month (6:30pm) we host God Squad, a night of fun and fellowship for youth of all ages. Born of a desire to bring our kids together into a community that knows and loves each other well, we spend time as a group in song before branching off into groups based on age (preschool, elementary, and older grades) for fun, age-level activities (everything from crafts and games to Legos and baking).
🎬Movie Nights
Every Friday in Lent this year (2025) we will be hosting a movie night at 6:00pm. With a wide variety of films that center on Resurrection and Redemption there’s sure to be at least one movie that’s perfect for your family. For a list of films please check our upcoming events page.
🧁Mission Muffins
The Second Sunday of the month is Mission Muffins Sunday. Kids of all ages are invited to join us during the service and help us bake muffins to be sold during coffee hour and given to homebound members in need of encouragement. All proceeds go to support mission groups supported by our church.
🎃Special Events
Keep an eye out for our many youth events throughout the year. We have a revolving calendar of annual fun; our trunk-or-treat, Live Nativity, Easter egg hunt, and Memorial Day parade float are some community favorites. We are also always trying new things and holding special events for the whole community. Check out our latest events here.
This year (2024-25) we will be running a Confirmation Class for High School students looking to grow in their faith and become active members at ERC. Classes will meet on the Second and Fourth Thursday of each month in the evenings. For more information, follow the link above.
Let the little ones come to me, we seek to include the whole family in the life, joys, and work of the church, even our children
Connections that matter “Speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into Him who is the head, into Christ” Ephesians 4:15
There’s always something fun just around the corner, whether it’s an Easter Egg Hunt or a River Cruise, don’t miss any of our great family events
Need more information?
Contact Jashton Gieser, our family ministry coordinator: