Called and Committed - Serving the World from Home

We are now in the season of Lent - 40 days before Easter. Over the coming Sundays, and in our Encounter Groups, we will be looking at 7 ways our faith can become more alive! The series is: Called and Committed. God is calling you, and there are things we can do to commit our lives to the One who saved us. These range form daily habits to heading to India. Speaking of India, Pastor Dirk and 6 others from our church are there now, so Pastor Dave Ewert led worship today.   Sermon Notes 

Dave Ewert 02/18/2018

LISTEN ONLINE: Serving in the World

Advice: Parenting

The Bible brings up parenting a lot!  But have you noticed people tend to go one way or the other.  Either they give too much (unwanted) advice, or they are afraid to say much of anything.  Family is personal, and it is easy to get defensive, but we might as well admit it, God gives good advice.  In this message we will be looking for universal truths and helpful wisdom for all parents.  Let's listen to some helpful wisdom.  (Click for Sermon Notes)

LISTEN ONLINE:Advice on Parenting - 11-12-17

Advice: Sharing your faith

How can you best share your faith?  If I'm asked that question, my mind first goes to what words to use.  The best way to explain what I believe and why.  But that is not where Jesus starts.  When Jesus starts teaching, as recorded by Matthew, he challenges us to who we can be, and then compares those who follow him to shining lights.  How can we "let our light shine before others that they might glorify our Father in heaven"? 
Be encouraged to SHINE! (click here to download the Sermon Notes)

LISTEN ONLINE: Advice for Witnessing - 11/5/17
