God's Advice: Marriage

Money is personal, and marriage is personal and emotional.  So this week we go deeper.  

The Bible is far from silent about marriage.  While there is some great advice given by God on making marriage work, from commuication to forgiveness, from sex to honestly - to really understand the model of marriage God has for couples we must get to a fundimental message of Jesus.  And this isn't something for only picture book perfect marriages, but it is tranformational in unions that are far from ideal.  God has a plan, and it can change your life!  (Sermon Notes)

LISTEN ONLINE: Two become One in Marriage - 10/22/17

Coexist - Live at Peace

Implied in the word coexist is the idea of peace.  We are called to live at peace, but at the same time, strive for the things of God's Kingdom.  This will mean change in our lives, and being agents of change in the world.  Some might say that coexisting in peace with other relgions and cultures means that sharing about your faith is out of bounds.  That simply isn't true.  This message will bring together peace within us, peace with others, and peace with God.  (Sermon Notes - HERE)

LISTEN ONLINE: Actively Coexist - 10/1/17

Coexist - All of the above

What is the biggest group of non-Christians you probably know?  Maybe those who hold up some good values, but in many ways have given up believing much of anything spiritually.  The agnostics, universalists and moderate atheists are not necessarily against God, the Bible, or even Jesus - but they are an interesting and important group to know, love and support.  (Click for SERMON NOTES)

LISTEN ONLINE: Agnostics, Atheists and others... 9/24/17

Coexist - Buddhism

How hard can it be to live a peace with those whose faith centers around eliminating suffering and finding peace?  Actually it isn't very hard at all.  So in this message the focus isn't about the challenges between Christians and Buddhist, but rather what are the differences?  How are the beliefs compatible, and how are they at odds.  (Click for SERMON NOTES)

LISTEN ONLINE: Coexist - Buddhism 9/17/17

Coexist - with your spiritual family

Before we think about how God calls us to relate to other religions and beliefs, we need to think about how we are called to relate to other Christians.  There are Christians who believe differently, do crazy things, who have questionable reputations - what are we supposed to do about them?  Hear the guidance from Romans, and follow the example of Jesus.  (Click for SERMON NOTES)

LISTEN ONLINE: Coexist with other Christians 9/3/17

You may not like it...

Some things we don't like are good for us.  God truly wants something great for you, and cares for you deeply, but sometimes there is pain in the process.  Jesus doesn't have much of anything good to say about the rich city of Laodicea, but in it there is something good for us to hear.  If you have an ear, hear what the Spirit is saying.  (Click for Sermon Notes)

LISTEN ONLINE: Hot or Cold - 8/20/17

Swords (& peace)

Jesus said, "I do not come to bring peace but a sword."  That is a strange thing for us to hear when we think about a loving, caring, compassionate person - especially one who is set apart from all others as holy and right.  This message starts in Revelation chapter 2, digs into the words of Jesus, and then challenges us to think about swords, pleace and our lives.  

Sermon Notes

LISTEN ONLINE: Swords and Peace

The End

There are so many ideas of how things will end, what it will be like, how the second coming happens that it can be a bit confusing.  What is the promised future in the Book of Revelation?  A look at Revelation 21 is a great place to start.  Click for Sermon Notes

LISTEN ONLINE: The End - 6/25/17

Everything in Between - Book of Revelation

In the last message you got some background on the last book in the Bible.  Within the broad framework of "Now & Later" and "Apocalypse" there is great complexity.  From a satelite view, we now move to a road map.  What are the main streets, and how to they intersect?  To get the most from the Book of Revelation, there is some basic information you need to know - including a very special "Apocalyptic Decoder Ring."

Reading for this Message: Revelation 15:1-8

Click for SERMON NOTES to help follow along.

LISTEN ONLINE: Everything in Between - 6/18/17

It's the end of the world as we know it...

One hundred pound hailstones must pack a pretty good punch.  How can a creature with the face of an ox be covered with eyes, have multiple wings, and know how to sing?  And why does the number 666 have any special meaning?  These are the types of things which can enter you mind if you've ever even glanced into the final book of the Bible. 

The Revelation of John is unlike other books in the New Testament, but that doesn't mean it should be ignored.  What does it say, and how can the message God gives in it impact our lives today? This message begins a series to help you get a handle on this great book of the Bible.  

Let's start with, "What is the Apolcalypse?"


Click to see "know, don't know" chart  referenced in sermon.

LISTEN ONLINE: The Apocalypse - 6/11/17
