2/28 - Son of God Perks?

Our conversation centered once again on the “Son of God Perks” which Christ shares with us. We reviewed the fact that Jesus’ death was for us, paying the debt for our sins. We are like debtors who owe God a giant sum. We cannot pay our own debts, let alone someone else’s. This is why Jesus must be Perfect as God. Someone with infinity dollars can pay a gazillion dollar debt and still have credit left over. When Jesus died and rose from the dead, He offers His blood to pay for our sins. 

This is good, but what we focused on last night was the “Perks.” This may be a crass way to refer to the graces Jesus gives us, but it helps us understand. Every perk that Jesus has as God’s Son, He now gives to those who live with allegiance to Him.

Here are some perks we discussed:

  • No need to offer animal sacrifices.

  • Natural moral goodness

  • Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control.

  • Filled with the Holy Spirit

  • Holy Spirit gifts (miracles, wisdom, etc.)

  • Deliverance from condemnation and hell

  • Eternal life with God in Heaven

  • Unity with other believers who have the Holy Spirit

All of these perks are things Jesus had naturally, but He shares them with those who trust in Him and entrust themselves to Him.

During this conversation we also discussed the Holy Spirit a little more. He filled Jesus during His time on Earth, now He comes to us as The Helper. The Holy Spirit is the part of God we can feel and encounter right now. He is also the source of true belief, meaning that even just beginning to believe in Christ is a sign that God is working in us. Because of this, there is a literal, spiritual connection between all Christians. We all share the same Holy Spirit.

Hopefully we can begin to better understand these truths as we approach our next several classes. Our time together is short, but there is an unending amount of knowledge to discover and discuss.
