The Blessing

In the Old Testament book of Numbers there is a surprising gem.  Tucked among counts, instructions and strange details is a blessing.  Maybe "The Blessing" - God's instruction on what his priests are to say over his people.  This sermon illuminates what this passage might look like in your life today.  

Numbers 6:22-27 - May the Lord bless you and keep you...

LISTEN ONLINE: God Bless you and Keep You - 12/11/16

Blessings from God - Real Hope

New Sermon Series for December




Sometimes we give up, we stop hoping, we don't see how things could possibly work out.  This is nothing new.  The people of God, the Israelites, knew the promises, but did not see how King David's (their greatest king) would have a reign which would last forever.  That was the promise, but it was far from reality.  But we can find hope for our lives in the amazing history of a new branch from a dead stump.

LISTEN ONLINE: Real Hope from a Dead Stump - 11/27/16

A really deep peace

How are you?  It is a common greeting in these parts - honestly most of the time it isn't even heard as a question.  But if you were to greet someone with "How is your soul?" you would most likely get some strange looks.  So, how is your soul?  Do you know peace?  Do you have security?  Does the foundation your soul is resting upon feel solid?  In Psalm 23 we can sense the rest of a stable and trusting soul.  How do you grow that within your life?  I hope you are blessed by this message.  Sermon Notes

LISTEN ONLINE: Finding the ahhhh... 11-20-16

What about these Stones?

Have you ever lost confidence that you are traveling in the right direction?  It is a little less common today as we are guided by smartphones and GPS units, but it can be very unsettling as you start thinking, "I'm not heading in the right direction."  It can happen in life as well, we think God led us to make a decision - to take our lives in a particular direction, but then we can lose confidence.  Am I still heading in the right direction?  Well, God has a solution for this - stones.  Stones which help us remember and guide us into the future.  This message by Rev. Gregg Mast speaks to this important way of God.  Sermon Notes & Encounter Guide

LISTEN ONLINE: These Stones - 10/23/16 Rev. Mast


You cannot understand the Jewish faith without understanding the Exodus.  Through the power of God, a nation of slaves was brought out of Eygpt and into freedom.  They needed God's power, they needed a plan, they needed a leader, but they also needed to take the first step.  God could do absolutely everything, except for take their first step.  They had to step out in faith.  What is a first step God is calling you to take? Sermon Notes

LISTEN ONLINE: Freedom! 10/16/16

Highs and Lows of Life

There are always ups and downs in life - how do we deal with them?  How do we live God's way when things are great, and when things are horrible?  The amazing life of Joseph (Genesis 37-50) teaches us as we read about someone who experienced the lowest of lows and the highest of highs.  The heart of the message on Sunday was "Serve no matter what you deserve."   Sermon Notes  

Now there is good news and bad news.  The bad news is that the sermon was not recorded.  The good news is that in the wedding the day before at ERC I summarized the sermon.  So, if you want a quick summary and an encouragement for your life, you can listen to what I shared with Dave and Erica from Romans 12:9-18 and Colossians 3:12-16 - two passages I used on Sunday as well.

LISTEN ONLINE: Serve each other - Ward Wedding - 10/8/16

Nobody's Perfect

On the family front, things are not functioning as well as they once did.  Divorce and depression are at levels that were once unthinkable.  But the reality is, there is nothing new under the sun, and there have never been perfect times, because there have never been perfect people.  But faith can overcome our faults.  Inspired by the life of Abraham, and guided by Romans chapter 4, this sermon can change your life.  Sermon Notes

LISTEN ONLINE: Nobody's Perfect - 10-02-16

More than children's stories...

You have heard of Adam and Eve, Noah's Ark, and the other classic stories from the beginning of the Bible?  It is easy to think they are simply children's stories which don't matter today, the alternative is to get so focused on the details and how they interact with modern science that we miss why they are there.  The first stories of the Bible are so important if you want to understand everything else in the Bible.  Hear why in this message.  Sermon Notes

LISTEN ONLINE: In the Beginning 9-25-16

Prosper in Life

How is this for a great image of a wonderful life: 

"…like a tree planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season, with leaves that never wither, and they prosper in all they do.”

This line is from the first poem in the book of Psalms in the Bible.  It is surrounded by great advice to have a rich and prosperous life.  Sermon Notes  

LISTEN ONLINE: Prosper and Grow - 9/11/16

God's Heart for You

How good is your memory?  God has many desires for you, and one of them is for you to remember.  To remember what God has done, what God has promised, what God has commanded.  Because when we do things God's way, it just works better.  This message get's to God's message which calls out to you, "Don't Forget."  Sermon Notes  Deuteronomy 6:1-9

LISTEN ONLINE: Don't Forget - 9/4/16

Reformed with a capital "R"

The name is Emmanuel Reformed Church - What does Reformed mean?  It ties into history, it is definitely a theological matter, and it impacts how people function as a church.  In this message Pastor Dirk takes on a huge topic and gives you the highlights.  What does Reformed mean, and more importantly, how can this branch of Christianity guide you to a great life with God.  A life of gratitude not guilt.  Sermon Notes

Pastor Dirk's working definition of Reformed:

A historical movement within the Church which sought to realign belief and practice based on reverent and thoughtful study of the Bible, and continues today; highlighting the sovereignty of God with people who recognize their guilt, receive God’s grace, and live in gratitude as local churches governed by assemblies with Christ at the lead.

LISTEN ONLINE: Reformed, What is it? 8/7/16

Trust - how can we be better?

Trusting God can be hard.  It is easy to quote verses about trusting God, about God having good plans, but when push comes to shove - we actually have to trust God if we are to find the peace and prosperity God can give.  Do you struggle with trust?  Whether you have known God for a long time, or are just awakening spiritually, this message can guide you to trust better.  Sermon Notes

LISTEN ONLINE: Trust God - 7/31/16

Relationship Building Starts Here

How to build relationships - How to build community.  These are important topics in today's fractured world.  While most people start looking for techniques and methods, the Bible points to something deeper.  If you want to do it God's way, you need to listen to God's advice - and "Love your Neighbor as Yourself" contains an important truth we often skip over.  Take time to listen to this sermon on relationship building, it might just change your life!

Listen Online: Building Relationships - 7/24

Why Pray?

With decades of ministry experience, Pastor Chuck Gieser comes to share reasons why we should pray.  Are we changing God's mind when we pray?  Are we changing ourselves when we pray?  What difference does prayer make in the world?  Listen to this helpful message.

LISTEN ONLINE: Why do we pray? 7/17 - Chuck Gieser
