How wide is your circle?

We can easily divide the world into us vs. them.  We can seek to try and figure out who is in and who is out.  But when we openly examine the Bible, it often challenges us to make our circle wider, encompass more, and extend God's grace further.  Pastor Abby Norton-Levering (RCA, Synod Ministry Coordinator) shares about how this has challenged her, and can guide you in your journey of faith.  

LISTEN ONLINE: A Wider Circle - 7/3 - Pastor Abby


Stephen might be able to claim the title of the first church staff member - actually there were seven who started at the same time - had a life which changed the world.  He was called out based on a lie about Jesus, but boldly stood his ground.  Sermon Notes

LISTEN ONLINE: Stephen - 6/19/16

Jesus has really big plans!

Jesus enters into the flow of human history and everything begins to change.  While something new starts with Jesus, it wasn't a new idea.  God has a plan at work, and it was first revealed to a man named Abram thousands of years ago.  But Jesus' final charge to his disciples gives everyone who is devoted to Jesus an active part in the plan today.  Listen to just how active our role can be.  Sermon Notes & Encounter Guides

LISTEN ONLINE: Go to all the others! 4/17/16

An Anointed Love

A final time before he is arrested, Jesus says to this disciples that he will be killed.  He starts by saying, "As you know..."  For at least one of his followers this truth sunk in, and she responded with an extravagent sign of love and devotion.  The aroma of this act wafts through history, and guides us to be a fragrant aroma of God in the world today.  Sermon Notes

LISTEN ONLINE: An Anointed Love 3-20-16

A Love Greater than Grief

Grief is a very real part of life.  We all face it, but what does the Bible teach us about how to make it through?  There were times when Jesus' disciples we filled with grief.  At those moments Jesus doesn't offer quick fixes or easy answers.  He offers you something more!  Sermon Notes & Encounter Group Guide

Matthew 17:22-23   When they came together in Galilee, he said to them, "The Son of Man is going to be betrayed into the hands of men.  They will kill him, and on the third day he will be raised to life." And the disciples were filled with grief. 

LISTEN ONLINE: A Love Greater than Grief - 2/28/16
