This year marks the 53rd anniversary of the CROP Walk. We in Castleton have been walking since the mid 80’s. Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could get 53 walkers for this Church World Service event! Please sign up to walk with Linda Baker and others as a thank you to Linda for her 29 years of service at Emmanuel. Linda is retiring from her position as Church Administrator the end of September. We will meet on Sunday, October 16 after worship at ERC for a soup, chili and bread lunch and then drive to the Sister’s of the Resurrection Provincial House on Boltwood Avenue in Castleton for our 3.2 mile walk through the Village of Castleton for a 1:00 pm walk start. We will also have a 1 mile walk for the very young and those for whom walking is difficult. Twenty-five percent of what we raise goes to The Anchor Food Pantry helping food challenged families in Castleton. Please visit here to register as a walker or to make a donation.