Sunday, November 28 is the first Sunday of Advent - the time of year that Christians await, and prepare for, the coming of Jesus as a little baby on Christmas Day. This year in addition to decorating the church, we will be making Advent wreaths for you to take home and do with your family. The Advent Wreath is a tool that is used to anticipate, remind and reflect on what God did for us when He sent His son, Jesus into the world as a baby in order that He would give His life for us on a cross so that we could be reconciled to God and share in eternal life. It is made with greens and candles which represent the life and light of Jesus.
Please join in worship at 9:30 am and then stay to help decorate our church and make an Advent wreath. If you can make a soup or chili to share afterward, that would be great. This is a great family activity that will become a tradition if you let it.