“On January 9, 2019, a four-day Ministry Leader’s Conference will begin in a sea coast village called Las Glorias (Sinaloa) with a special focus on forgiveness. My job is to teach the relational wisdom of the Bible on how to forgive as God forgives . The ministry leaders are converging on Las Glorias from seven ministry locations across Mexico and Texas. They are under the leadership of a parent ministry (OperationFLOW) that recently lost its main leader to major moral failure. We hope to bring the comfort and guidance of the Scriptures to the leaders as they recover from this loss and refocus their efforts to take the Gospel of Christ to their neighbors and friends.
This assignment is one of the most difficult of my life and I beg for your prayers.
So, please pray…
that my teaching preparation and presentation cross-culturally will be Christ-filled, the couple dozen ministry leaders gathered will be encouraged in spirit and renewed in vision and unity, and that all the powers of darkness opposing this conference will be utterly defeated.
To help out financially, please make your donation payable to Emmanuel Reformed Church and send it to the church (with a note designating it for the “Mexico RW Conference”) at 1150 Maple Hill Rd., Castleton, NY 12033; or donate online at https://encountererc.com/donate/. When the link opens, follow it to the “One Time Gift” option and fill in the Note space with the words “Mexico RW Conference.” Approximately $1,200 is needed by Pastor Dave to cover expenses.