We are called to me more than people caught in the gravitational pull of Earth. Jesus wants to free us, and it happens by faith. But we need to fire our little thrusters by adding to our faith some good stuff. When we do this we can embark on the journey we were created for. (this will make more sense if you listen to the sermon :-)
True comfort is found when the Spirit intersects with the physical to transform our lives here and now. One of the places this happens is in the sacrament of Communion. It is a family meal that connects us to the grace of God.
In grace we find True Comfort. How do we prepare our hearts and our lives to receive more of the grace of God?
True comfort is found when the Spirit intersects with the physical to transform our lives here and now.
True comfort comes from something beyond personal faith. God designed us to be connected in communities knit together in faith. Our traditions, structures, and patterns serve a divine purpose that God desires.
As we learn of the true comfort available to those who are embraced by God, it is framed in the Reformed tradition. What does “Reformed” mean? And how does it motivate us to live?
For Labor Day Weekend we step away from the Heidelberg Catechism to consider the plan of God that draws generation after generation to Himself. There is great blessing in this, and with great blessing comes great responsibility.
How can we find true and lasting comfort in a distressing world? We need to turn to God through prayer. Jesus gives us a great start with the prayer we often refer to as The Lord’s Prayer - what can we learn?
How can we find true and lasting comfort in a distressing world? We need to turn to God through prayer. Jesus gives us a great start with the prayer we often refer to as The Lord’s Prayer - what can we learn?
How can we find true and lasting comfort in a distressing world? We need to turn to God through prayer. Jesus gives us a great start with the prayer we often refer to as The Lord’s Prayer - what can we learn?
How can we find true and lasting comfort in a distressing world? We need to turn to God. However, our prayers are often focused on the wrong things. Let’s turn to the Bible so we can better connect to God and find True Comfort.
How can we find true and lasting comfort in a distressing world? We don’t do it by striving to get everything right and be perfect. When we believe the right things we receive a “rightness” that isn’t from us but is a gift of God. In this we can find True Comfort.
How can we find true and lasting comfort in a distressing world? Part of God’s design for our comfort is the gathering of believers. Together we form the body of Christ - the Church. How do we support each other in this endeavor to find and provide comfort?
How can we find true and lasting comfort in a distressing world? Jesus came and promised that he would send the Holy Spirit - the comforter for all who follow Jesus Christ. How do we find Holy Spirit comfort?
How can we find true and lasting comfort in a distressing world? Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. What comfort does his work today give you in your life?
How can we find true and lasting comfort in a distressing world? It is common to refer to Jesus as Lord, but what about as brother? Siblings are a different kind of relationship…
How can we find true and lasting comfort in a distressing world? What do we know about Jesus Christ that provides comfort in life? Some of it is found in his name…
How can we find true and lasting comfort in a distressing world? It goes beyond knowing about God, to knowing a God who loves you and is in control. Then we can have patience, thankfulness, and confidence.
How can we find true and lasting comfort in a distressing world? The answer is to build our lives of truth. We can’t change truth, but we can work with it and find comfort that lasts. What do the ancient creeds teach us about true comfort?
How can we find true and lasting comfort in a distressing world? Seeing God now provides true comfort.
A Sermon by Pastor Dave Ewert