Getting more of God’s Spirit into us can change us in major ways. Learn some simple practices which can change your life.
What flows out of your life? When we become more guided by the Spirit, more of God in us is seen by the world.
When the Spirit is active in individual lives it results in community - community which stands out as different. It isn’t easy, but it is what God desires.
What does true faith look like? The reality is our behavior is based on what we believe. Our spirituality is shown in action.
What is a spiritually alive response to bad things within our lives? We need to respond to guilt, and head in a new life giving direction.
What is a spiritually alive response to bad things in life? Giving thanks for the things that we have not earned and do not deserve is key.
What is a spiritually alive response to bad things in life? It starts with questioning, and sometimes anger, but there is more!
Nature is designed to get you to connect to God. It is the first step in an amazing journey!