Do you matter?

If you are a one in a million person, there are 7,000 just like you… In a vast and amazing world, do you matter? It is time to turn to the Bible and turn to God to get an answer to this question which can keep us up at night or prompt despair.

Dirk Gieser
What about Jesus?

If the Bible is true, if God is Good, and people have problems - How does Jesus fit into the equation? His title of Christ is what his followers take as their label - Christian. His birth is the dividing point of all history. He is a unique figure in all of the world. So, why does Jesus matter so much?

On Sunday morning we arrived a church to find the power was off. Therefore the recording was not make with the normal system (sorry that the recording is a little choppy as times).

Dirk Gieser
Are People Good?

The questions keep coming. If God is good - how about people? We are created in God’s image, does that mean we are good? How could a good God make bad people? How we understand the human condition is vitally important to how we understand our faith. (Sermon coming 10/6)

Dirk Gieser
Is God Good?

I hear lots of people say “God is Good.” I also have run into my fair share of people who have a problem with God because they see so much in this world that isn’t good. How can a good God let so much bad happen? Why do bad things happen to good people? Is God good? That is an important question of faith. (9/29/19)

Dirk Gieser
Is the Bible Relevant Today?

Not everything which is true is relevant for our lives. So, does the Bible actually make sense today or is it simply an outdated bit of history? In this message Pastor Dirk explores this question and the doubt that is often raised by those who claim it is too full of contradictions to be any good at all. (sermon coming 9/22)

Dirk Gieser
Is the Bible from God?

We can build our lives upon trends or truth. At times trends can be truth, and at times truth can be trendy, but unless we have a firm foundation we cannot discover all that God has for us.

We are figuring out the new sound system - no audio recording, but you can watch the whole service on Facebook. The sermon starts at around 24 minutes.

Dirk Gieser
Are All Religions the Same?
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New Series of Big Questions. Are all religions the same? It seems like an easy yes or no question, but it really depends on what you mean by that. Are religions superficially different, yet fundamentally the same, or are they superficially the same, yet fundamentally different. It is a great question to think about as we build our faith.

Dirk Gieser

Sometimes it might feel you are living under a curse. Is that the case? God’s power wants to point you to the way to get out of the curse and discover God’s blessings.

Dirk Gieser
Trouble and Salvation

A classic story from the Bible involves three guys, an upset king, and a fiery furnace - another great Bible moment is Jesus walking on a lake. Both of these show how close salvation can be, and how scary moments in life can be. But in faith we can be bold!

Dirk Gieser

Noah’s Ark is not a children’s story. Let’s read it as adults, and see how the message of Jesus helps us understand a classic story of the Bible.

(This service was recorded live outside under the pavilion, so there was no facebook live video, and the recording sounds a bit different).

Dirk Gieser

Temptation is something everyone can relate to. But not everyone responds the same. It is not a simple as “just say no.” Looking at some great stories from the Bible, we will be seeing how temptation can go really bad, or how we can have hope even when tempted.

Dirk Gieser
Count the Stars

It doesn’t have to be summer to go stargazing - but it helps because you don’t have to worry about freezing. But when you look up at the stars, what do you see? Some see points of light, others see flaming balls of fire light years away, but you can also see God’s faithfulness. God invited Abram out of his tent, and to look up and count the stars…

This song was part of the inspiration for the message:

Dirk Gieser
All of God

It is possible to miss all that God has for you. It isn’t just about missing out on blessings God might want you to enjoy, or that thing God might be called you to do, but it can be missing out on who God is. God comes as creator Father, God comes as familiar Son, but also as the otherly Spirit. On Pentecost we remember the gift to the first disciples, the gift which began the church, and the gift which can take up deeper into the spiritual life God wants us to have. Don’t be content with just part of God.

Dirk Gieser