Women of the Bible - Jochebed the Brave

What do you do when there is no good option? Sometimes it looks like we are in a lose - lose situation. This woman of the Bible was in one of those. She could kill her child, or she and her child could die - what should she do? She took a step of faith, and found the third option.

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Dirk Gieser
Women of the Bible - Rebekah the Bold

What does it take to make a bold step of faith? Well, when we look at Rebekah in the Bible, it is clear that she was beautiful, but she was so much more. Early in life she makes a bold move which changes her life forever. The blessings she experienced, and the blessing she was to the world, were based on her bold faith. Learn from Rebekah as we live our life of faith today. Click for Sermon Notes

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Dirk Gieser
Women of the Bible - Sarah - fighting bitterness

Sarah was not a saint. There are women in the Bible who we should aspire to be like, and women who we should learn from their less than perfect example. There are great things about Abraham’s wife Sarah, but she also caused a great deal of hurt and pain. How can we avoid that for ourselves and those around us? Listen to as we learn from Women of the Bible. (Click for Sermon Notes)

Dirk Gieser
Women of the Bible - Bold and Beautiful

How do we make sense of the #MeToo experiences so many woman can share?  The reality is there are so many different situations where men take advantage of women, abuse women, belittle women - but who is to blame?  Has God set up a patriarchal world where women will often come out inferior to men?  As we begin a new series - Women of the Bible - it is important to look as some of the differences between men and women, and how they point us to the need of a Savior.  Click for Sermon Notes

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Dirk Gieser
Red Letters - Remember Jesus

Jesus is with his disciples and he tells them something pretty strange...  the bread they were about to eat, and the beverage they were about to drink, were his body and blood.  This new ritual Jesus was introducing to them was something different than the rituals and feasts they knew.  It went beyond remembering, and went into connecting.  From a lady with expensive perfume, to a savior with a divine plan, this passage of red letters from Jesus are really important for our lives.  Sermon Notes

Red Letters - a giver to all

Sometimes Jesus' disciples got it wrong.  One time, at a challenging moment in Jesus' life, two disciples came and asked for the completely wrong thing from Jesus.  In his love and compassion, he redirected them and taught them (and us) an important lesson.  It isn't how the world thinks, but it is an important part of following Jesus with our lives.  (Sermon Notes)

Dirk Gieser
Red Letters - Jesus is for Losers

In this message you have the opportunity to hear from Rev. Abby Norton-Levering as she takes you through a pivotal passage in the Bible, and in the life and ministry of Jesus.  Who is Jesus, and how can he help you when you feel like a loser?  We all fall short, and we all lose things which are precious to us - but Jesus is there for us all.  

Download Audio: Jesus for Losers

Red Letters - Marriage and Divorce

What do sour patch kids have to do with the Bible?  We'll if you are listening online, you are missing out on the candy handed out during worship, but you can still hear what Jesus himself said when asked about divorce.  His words are clear, and at the same time challenging.  (Sermon Notes)


Boys to Men - Hearing from a Teen

Jashton is a teenager seeking to serve God and to encourage others to glorify God with their lives.  He reminds us of the fact that life is short and we should make the most of it.  As they say - YOLO - so what do we do with the life we have been given.  


Boys to Men - a boy who heard God

What can we learn from a boy who heard God call his name 3000 years ago?  In every unique and unusual story in the Bible, we can find universal and helpful truths which can guide our lives and draw us closer to our creator.  Listen to the story of the boy Samuel, and discover how boys can become godly men.  (Sermon Notes

LISTEN ONLINE: The boys in church

Conflict - War, what is it good for?

Sometimes the conflict we deal with isn't the "everyday" variety.  What about war?  The early Christians did not have to spend any time thinking about when they should go to war.  They were under under authority, not in places of authority.  But as Christianity became a more dominant faith in the world the question had to be answered - when is it just to go to war?  As we remember those who have died in service to their country, we ask the question, "What about war?"  (Sermon Notes)  

LISTEN ONLINE: What about War?

Conflict - Dealing with challenging people

We can learn all the right things to say or do in conflict, and then run into some serious bumps along the way.  How do we handle conflict when the other person is determined to make it hard for us?  When the other person is not cooperating and following the script we had hoped for?  Well, we turn back to the wisdom and ways of God found in the Bible.  It may take a step of faith, but the rewards are worth it!  (Click for Sermon Notes)

LISTEN ONLINE: Keep Going - 5/20/18

Conflict - Go Gently

We can get hurt in conflict, and sometimes we need to confront those who are doing the damage.  How do we take that step, and what do we have to do to resolve conflict?  It ends in forgiveness - something very powerful, but often misunderstood.  This week we will be going gently and setting the framework for God glorifying forgiveness.   (Sermon Notes)  

LISTEN ONLINE: Go Gently - 5/13/18
