Sunday Worship 9:30 am
1150 Maple Hill Rd. Castleton, NY - Directions
You are welcome to join in learning about God, being encouraged in your faith, experiencing a spiritual family, and discovering how Jesus changes our lives. Together we Worship God - Engage People - Follow Jesus
Maybe you have never married and have no kids, or maybe you have so many kids you can't keep track of them all. We are a church where family matters, not so much the family you bring, but the family you become as part of ERC. We are a spiritual family - and just like families in every house on the street, we are not perfect, but even so, this is a pretty special place. In this family there is always room for one more - come, find a spiritual home at ERC. Ways to Engage →
Reaching Next Door and Around the World
We are involved beyond our doors and beyond our homes. We follow Jesus into the world, seeking to help those in need both nearby and literally on the other side of the world.
Sunday Worship
What do you get when you combine an ancient faith, a 500 year old tradition, a 160+ year old congregation, and a desire to worship God in a way that is authentic to who we are and meaningful to people who have never been to church before in their lives? Come on Sunday to find out!
from Beginning to End
Yes, we baptize people into the faith, wed couples in Christian marriage, and celebrate the promise of victory over death at funerals - and all of these are done not to fulfill tradition, but to experience the hope and blessings of God in our lives. Whatever you are facing in life, God is there to walk with you through it. In Christ we are offered eternal life, but just as importantly, we are offered help in this life through following him and connecting with his Church.
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Located next to
Maple Hill High School
Castleton, NY
We are located in the wonderful town of Castleton. While we are an active part of our local community, we are made up of people from throughout the Capital Region who are seeking to grow spiritually and make a difference in the world.
Worshiping - Engaging - Following
Reformed and Reforming
A church home is a place to come together and make friends, but it is also a place to grow and be nurtured spiritually. It’s a place to find out what God has to say to us and learn about how God wants us to live. Our church is part of the RCA, a Protestant denomination whose beginnings in the United States are traced to a worship service in 1628 over a flour mill in what is now New York City. This congregation has been in Castleton since 1852, moving to our current location in the 1960's. Over the years our building has changed, our style has changed, the congregation has changed, and we see that God is continually calling us to new. As we remain committed to always reforming according to the Word of God, we honor and cherish our history, and tradition.
More than Dust
The season of Lent (40 days before Easter) begins with Ash Wednesday. At that starting point we are reminded that “from dust we came, and to dust we will return.”
Each Sunday during Lent we will be considering dust, dirt and mud - and the hope we have because of what God can do. God can transform you, get you out of the mess, and clean you up. Ultimately, God’s desire for your life is not dust but glory. Come hear good news of great joy!